AlphaAI Technologies Inc.
Platform Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (the “Privacy Policy”) is designed to inform you as to how AlphaAI Technologies Inc. (referred to in this Privacy Policy as the “Company”, “we”, “us” or “our”) handles your Personal Data, in connection with your use of our web platform, located at (the “Platform”), and to notify you about your privacy rights and how the law protects such rights. “Personal Data” means information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

To the extent that the European General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) or the United Kingdom General Data Protection Regulation (“UK GDPR”) apply to Personal Data that we process in accordance with this Privacy Policy, we act as a “data controller” with respect to such processing. To the extent that the California Consumer Privacy Act, as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (“CCPA”) applies, we act as a “business”.

Our Platform provides responses to queries, along with references to the sources used, enhancing the efficiency of information retrieval for computational agents (“Queries”).This Privacy Policy does not apply to any Personal Data that we process on behalf of our customers, such as email addresses of employees of the customer that the customer provides to the Company for creating user accounts. Our processing of such Personal Data is governed by our customer agreements.

We encourage you to read this Privacy Policy carefully and to regularly check this page to review any changes we might make to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy is provided in a layered format so you can click through to the specific areas set out below.

  1. The Data We Collect About You
  2. How We Collect Your Personal Data
  3. How We Use Your Personal Data
  4. Sharing Your Personal Data with Third Parties
  5. Minors
  6. International Transfers
  7. Data Security
  8. Data Retention
  9. Your Rights
  10. Accessibility
  11. Contact Details
  12. Changes to this Privacy Policy

If you are a resident of the state of California, please read the additional information for California residents.

1. The Data We Collect About You

When you use our Platform or contact us through it, we may collect the following types of Personal Data on you:

  • Identity Data includes your first and last name.

  • Contact Data includes your email address.

  • Business Data includes your company name, industry and position.

  • User Content includes the input, files, or feedback that you provide while using the Platform.

  • Payment Data includes your payment instrument number (such as a credit card number or information identifying your financing account, PayPal details, bank account details etc.), and the security code and expiration date associated with your payment instrument. Your Payment Data is processed by our payment processing vendors and is not stored by Company.

  • Query Data includes any data collected for responding to Queries.

  • User Data. In case that you used a third-party authentication service to log into the Platform (e.g., your Google or GitHub account), User Data may also include additional information from that authentication service and is controlled by that service and your privacy settings at that service. For example, if you log into the Platform using a Google account, we will receive your Google ID and additional information that you chose to share with us through your Google privacy settings (e.g., your name and your email).

  • Marketing data such as your preferences in receiving marketing from us, or information about your use of our services.

  • Usage Data includes information about how you use or interact with our Platform (such as, when you entered the Platform, how long you stayed on the Platform and/or a specific page on the Platform).

  • Technical Data includes information on your internet connection (such as your IP address and internet service provider name), on the device and software that you are using to access the Platform (e.g., your web browser type and computer operating system).

  • Additional Inquiry Data includes additional information that you may provide when you contact us through the Platform or when you sign up for any of our services.

We also collect, use and share aggregated data such as statistical data for any purpose, including analyzing the effectiveness of our services, improving and expanding their features, conducting research, and for other related purposes. Such information does not reveal your identity and therefore is not considered Personal Data. For example, we may aggregate your Usage Data to calculate the percentage of users accessing a specific feature available through the Website.

Protecting the Privacy Rights of Third Parties
If you provide us any Personal Data relating to others, you must make sure that you have permission to do so.

2. How We Collect Your Personal Data

We use different methods to collect data from and about you including through:

  • Direct interactions. When you register to use the Platform, contact us through our Platform, or otherwise provide your Personal Data directly to us, you will be asked to provide us with your Identity Data, Contact Data, User Content, Business Data, Payment Data, and Marketing Data so that we can provide our services to you, respond to your questions or requests or otherwise contact you. You may also provide Additional Inquiry Data in such instances.

  • Automated technologies or interactions. As you interact with our Platform, we automatically collect the applicable Technical Data and Usage Data. We collect this data by using cookies, server logs, web beacons and other similar technologies.

  • Third parties or available sources on the Internet. We may receive Technical Data and Usage Data about you from third parties, such as the Usage Data and Technical Data that we receive from analytics providers, and from advertising and marketing partners. We may collect or receive Query Data from the Internet and from third-parties. Additionally, if you register to the Platform with any of the third-party authentication services, we may receive your User Data from them.

You are not legally obligated to provide any Personal Data to us. Any Personal Data that you choose to provide to us, is provided at your own free will.

3. How We Use Your Personal Data

We will only use your Personal Data when permitted by law. We will commonly use your Personal Data in the following circumstances:

  • Where the processing is necessary in connection with the performance of any contract we have entered into with you or where it is necessary for taking steps at your request prior to entering a contract.

  • Where the processing is necessary for our legitimate interests (or those of a third party), and such legitimate interests are not overridden by your interests, fundamental rights, or freedoms. Legitimate interest means our interest in managing and conducting our business.

  • Where the processing is necessary for compliance with a legal or regulatory obligation.

  • Where you have provided your consent for such processing. Such consent can be revoked at any time.

Purposes for Which We Use Your Personal Data
Below is a description of the ways we use your Personal Data. To the extent that the GDPR and UK GDPR apply, we have mentioned the legal bases we rely on to use your Personal Data, and identified what our legitimate interests are where appropriate:


Type of data

Lawful basis for processing including basis of legitimate interest

Provision of services via the Platform including registration to the Platform, including by providing you with responses to your queries.

- Identity

- Contact

- User Content

- Query

- Performance of, or entry into, a contract with you.

- Necessary for our legitimate interests.

Maintaining and improving our services.

- User Content

- Query

- Necessary for our legitimate interests.

- Respond to your requests or questions.

- Manage our relationship with you, including by notifying you about changes to our terms of use or Privacy Policy.

- Contact

- Additional Inquiry

- Performance of a contract with you.

- Necessary for our legitimate interests.

- Necessary to comply with a legal obligation.

- Marketing purposes.

- Deliver relevant and personalized content to you, send service messages (for example, for security purposes).

- Measure or understand the effectiveness of our marketing efforts.

- To use data analytics to improve our Platform, products/services, marketing, customer relationships and experiences, including by personalizing and customizing our content.

- Usage

- Technical

- Contact

- Necessary for our legitimate interests (to grow our business, to inform our marketing strategy and to maintain and secure the services).

- If we have obtained your prior consent (where laws require consent for such communications).

- Manage payments, fees and charges.

- Collect and recover money owed to us.

- Identity

- Contact

- Payment

- Performance of a contract with you.

- Necessary for our legitimate interests (to recover debts due to us).

In the event of a legal dispute between you (and/or a party on your behalf) to us (and/or a party on our behalf), we may use your data to the extent necessary in connection with handling such dispute.

- All relevant Personal Data

Necessary for our legitimate interests (to defend and enforce our legal rights).

- Required by subpoena, law, or other legal process.

- Necessary to assist law enforcement officials or government enforcement agencies.

- Necessary to investigate violations of or otherwise enforce our terms of use, to maintain security of the Website and prevent fraudulent or illegal activity.

- Necessary to protect us from legal action or claims from third parties, including you and/or other users.

- Necessary to protect the legal rights, personal/real property, or personal safety of our company, users, employees, and affiliates.

- All relevant Personal Data

Necessary for our legitimate interests (to defend and enforce our legal rights and to protect and ensure the continuous operation of our Platform).

Note that we may process your Personal Data for more than one lawful ground depending on the specific purpose for which we are using your data.

Promotional Offers

You may receive marketing communications from us if you have requested information from us and you have not opted out of receiving marketing communications.

You can change your contact preferences at any time through your account or by sending us an email with your request to: If you wish to stop receiving marketing communications from us, you may ask us to stop sending you marketing communications at any time by following the opt-out link on any marketing message sent to you or by contacting us.

Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies

Our Platform uses cookies. A cookie is a small piece of data or a text file that is downloaded to your computer or mobile device when you access certain websites. Cookies may contain text that can be read by the web server that delivered the cookie to you. The text contained in the cookie generally consists of a sequence of letters and numbers that uniquely identifies your computer or mobile device; it may contain other information as well. We and third parties we partner with may store, and access some or all the cookies described below on your device.

Types of cookies:

  • Strictly Necessary Cookies. These cookies are necessary for proper functioning of the Platform, such as displaying content, logging in, validating your session, responding to your request for services, and other functions.

  • Performance Cookies. These cookies collect information about the use of the Platform, such as pages visited, traffic sources, users' interests, content management, and other Platform measurements.

  • Functional Cookies. These cookies enable the Platform to remember a user's choices -- such as their language, user name, and other personal choices -- while using the Platform. They can also be used to deliver services, such as letting a user make a blog post, listen to audio, or watch videos on the Platform.

  • Media Cookies. These cookies can be used to improve the Platform's performance and provide special features and content. They can be placed by third parties who provide services to us or by our company.

  • Advertising or Targeting Cookies. These cookies are usually placed and used by advertising companies to develop a profile of your browsing interests and serve advertisements on other websites that are related to your interests.

  • Session Cookies. These cookies allow websites to link the actions of a user during a browser session. Session cookies permit users to be recognized as they navigate a website so that any item or page changes they make are remembered from page to page. Session cookies expire after a browser session; thus, they are not stored long term.

  • Persistent Cookies. These cookies are stored on a user's device in between browser sessions, which allows the user's preferences or actions across a site (or, in some cases, across different sites) to be remembered. Persistent cookies may be used for a variety of purposes, including remembering users' choices and preferences when using a website or to target advertising to them.

Most web browsers can be set to disable the use of cookies. However, if you disable cookies, you may not be able to access features on our Platform correctly or at all. Further details on how to disable cookies in different web browsers can be found here:

Internet Explorer:

Google Chrome:

Mozilla Firefox:


Microsoft Edge:


Google Analytics. Our Platform may use Google Analytics (or similar service providers) to collect information about the use of our Platform. Google Analytics collects information from users such as age, gender, interests, demographics, how often they visit our Platform, what pages they visit, and what other websites they have used before coming to our Platform. We use the information we get from Google Analytics to analyze traffic, remarket our products and services to users, improve our marketing, advertising, and to improve our Platform. We have enabled Google Analytics advertising features such as remarketing with Google Analytics, Google Display Network Impression Reporting, and Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting. For more information on how Google collects and processes your data, visit Google provides website visitors the ability to prevent their data from being used by Google Analytics. For more information see:

Third parties may use cookies, web beacons, and other storage technologies to collect or receive information from our Platform and elsewhere on the internet, and use that information to provide measurement services and target ads.

Third-Party Links

The Platform may include links to third-party websites, plug-ins and applications. Clicking on those links or interacting with such content may allow your data to be shared with the relevant third-party. We do not control these third-party websites and are not responsible for their privacy statements; we therefore recommend that you read the privacy policy of every websites you visit.

4. Sharing Your Personal Data with Third Parties

We share Personal Data with third party service providers that provide us services in connection with the purposes listed above.

For example, we may share your applicable Identity Data, Contact Data, Usage Data and Technical Data with web analytics providers, email and marketing service providers and other vendors that assist us in maintaining the Platform (including hosting services). For additional information, please see the description above in the section titled Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies.

We share you Identity Data, Contact Data, Payment Data and Address Data process payments made through the Platform.

We also share your applicable Identity Data and Contact Data with third parties to confirm your identity.

We may also share your Personal Data with legal and regulatory authorities to the extent required by applicable law with our professional advisors (e.g. lawyers, accountants) to the extent necessary for the provision of their services to us; and third parties to whom we may choose to sell, transfer, or merge our business (or parts thereof) or our assets, or parties whose business we wish to acquire.

We share Query Data with users of the Platform.

5. Minors

In order to use the Platform, you must be at least 13 years of age, or older, if otherwise required by the laws of the country you reside in. Our Platform is not designed for use by anyone under the age of 13 and we do not knowingly collect Personal Data from children under the age of 13.

If you are a parent or legal guardian and have concerns about your child's privacy, or if you believe that your child may have provided us with their Personal Data, please contact us using the Contact Details below. When you approach us as a parent or legal guardian, we may request that you provide certain information needed to confirm your identity, in order to prevent malicious removal of account information.

If you are not 18 years old (or older, if otherwise required by the laws of the country you reside in) you must review this Privacy Policy with your parent or legal guardian.

6. International Transfers

We may transfer your Personal Data to countries outside of the country in which you reside (including\ outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) or the United Kingdom (UK)), that do not necessarily\ provide the same level of data protection as the country in which you reside and are not recognized by\ the European Commission and/or UK government as providing an adequate level of data protection.\ Our international transfers of Personal Data are done for the performance of a contract or implementation\ of pre-contractual relations with you, based on your consent, or subject to safeguards that ensure the\ protection of your Personal Data, such as standard contractual clauses approved by the European\ Commission and/or the applicable UK authority (when the transfer is outside of the EEA or the UK).

7. Data Security

We have put in place security measures intended to protect your Personal Data. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee against the loss or misuse of your Personal Data or secure data transmission over the Internet because of its nature.

8. Data Retention

We retain your Personal Data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes we collected it for, including for legal or reporting requirements.

In order to determine the appropriate retention period for Personal Data, we consider the following criteria: the volume, nature, and sensitivity of the Personal Data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of Personal Data, the purposes for which we collect and process Personal Data, the timeframe during which we may require such Personal Data in connection with potential litigation, and applicable legal requirements.

9. Your Rights

Certain privacy laws, including the GDPR and UK GDPR, provide users with rights related to their Personal Data. To the extent that such laws apply to your Personal Data, you may have the following rights:

  • Request access. This means that you may receive a copy of the Personal Data we hold about you.

  • Request correction. This means that you may ask us to correct or complete inaccurate or incomplete data that we hold about you.

  • Request erasure. This means that you may ask us to delete or remove Personal Data that we hold about you. If we are unable to comply with such request, we will notify you of the specific legal reasons for our decision.

  • Object to processing. This means that you may object to the processing of your Personal Data where it is used for direct marketing purposes, or where we are relying on a legitimate interest and you feel that such interest is overridden by your rights and freedoms.

  • Request restriction of processing. This means that you may ask us to suspend the processing of your Personal Data if you believe that such data is inaccurate, if our processing is unlawful or if we no longer need to process such data for a particular purpose, but you need us to continue to hold the data.

  • Data Portability. This means that you may request that we transfer your Personal Data to you or to a third party. This right applies where we have obtained and processed the data from you based on your consent or where we used the information to perform a contract with you.

  • Withdraw consent at any time. This means that you may withdraw your consent where we are processing your Personal Data based on your consent.

If you wish to exercise any of the rights set out above, please contact us.

What We May Need From You

When you approach us with a request to exercise one of your rights, we may request that you provide us with information needed to confirm your identity as a security measure to ensure that your Personal Data is not disclosed to any person who has no right to receive it.

Time Limit to Respond

We try to respond to all legitimate requests within one month or less, if required by law. Where it takes us more than one month to respond (for example, where your request is particularly complicated or where you have made a number of requests) we will notify you and keep you updated.

10. Accessibility

If you have a disability and would like to access this policy in an alternative format, please contact us via our Contact Details listed below.

11. Contact Details

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at:


Postal address: 2051 Frederick Douglass Blvd #5B, New York, NY 10026

You have the right to make a complaint at any time to data protection authorities. We would, however, appreciate the chance to address your concerns before you approach a data protection authority, so please contact us in the first instance.

12. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time. If we do so, we will post an updated version of this Privacy Policy so that our users and customers are always aware of what information we collect, use, and disclose. Your continued use of our Platform and services after any change to this Privacy Policy will constitute your acceptance of such change.

This version was last updated in July 2024.

Additional Information for California Residents

1. Scope of Notice

The CCPA provides California residents with specific rights regarding their Personal Data. This section applies only to users that are California residents, describes the rights under the CCPA and explains how to exercise those rights. This section does not apply to our handling of publicly available information from government records, de-identified or aggregated information or other information that is excluded from the CCPA's scope. The term "Personal Information" shall have the meaning ascribed to it under the CCPA.

2. Notice at Collection of Personal Information

Personal Information We Collect, Use and Disclose

We may collect the categories of Personal Information listed in the table below. We do not collect sensitive Personal Information. The table also lists, for each category, the source of the Personal Information, the business purposes for which it will be processed and the third parties to whom it may be disclosed. This section describes our current practices and our practices during the 12 months preceding the "Last Updated" date of this Policy.

Personal Information Category

Business Purposes


Disclosure to third parties

Identifiers, this includes: name, online identifier, Internet Protocol address, email address, account name, or other similar identifiers.

- Entering into a contract or to perform a contract with you ("Entering into or Performing a Contract").

- Responding to your requests or questions and to manage our relationship with you, including by notifying you about changes to our terms of use or Privacy Policy ("Relationship Management").

- Marketing purposes, to deliver relevant and personalized content to you, send service messages, and to measure or understand the effectiveness of our marketing efforts ("Marketing").

- In the event of a legal dispute between you (and/or a party on your behalf) to us (and/or a party on our behalf), in connection with handling such dispute ("Handling of Disputes").

- Compliance with a legal requirement, including: (a) as required by subpoena, law, or other legal process; (b) necessary to assist law enforcement officials or government enforcement agencies; (c) necessary to investigate violations of or otherwise enforce our terms of use, to maintain security of the Platform and prevent fraudulent or illegal activity; (d) necessary to protect us from legal action or claims from third parties, including you and/or other users; or (e) necessary to protect the legal rights, personal/real property, or personal safety of our company, users, employees, and affiliates ("Compliance with Legal Requirements").

- Direct interactions. When you contact us through our Platform, subscribe to our communications, or otherwise provide such information directly to us ("Direct Interactions"").

- Automated technologies or interactions. As you interact with our Platform, we automatically collect your IP address. We collect this data by using cookies, server logs, and other similar technologies ("Automated technologies").

- Third party service providers that provide services to us in connection with the aforementioned business purposes, such as cloud storage providers ("Service Providers").

- Web analytics providers, email and marketing service providers and other vendors that assist us in maintaining the Platform.

- Legal and regulatory authorities, to the extent required by applicable law ("Governmental Authorities").

- Professional advisors (e.g. lawyers, accountants), to the extent necessary for the provision of their services to us ("Professional Advisors").

- Third parties to whom we may choose to sell, transfer, or merge our business (or parts thereof) or our assets, or parties whose business we wish to acquire ("M&A Counterparts").

Personal information categories listed in the California Customer Records statute (Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e)) (any information that identifies, relates to, describes, or is capable of being associated with, a particular individual).

- Entering into or Performing a Contract.

- Improving our Website, services, marketing, customer relationships and experiences, including by personalizing and customizing our content ("Platform Improvement").

- Relationship Management.

- Marketing.

- Handling of Disputes.

- Compliance with Legal Requirements.

- Direct Interactions.

- Automated Technologies.

- Third parties or the Internet. We may receive such information from third parties, such as analytics providers and advertising or marketing partners, or from the Internet ("Third Party Sources").

- Service Providers.

- Governmental Authorities.

- Professional Advisors.

- M&A Counterparts.

Commercial information, including records of personal property, products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies.

- Entering into or Performing a Contract.

- Relationship Management.

- Marketing.

- Purchase orders.

- Direct Interactions.

- Automated Technologies.

- Service Providers.

- Governmental Authorities.

- Professional Advisors.

- M&A Counterparts.

Internet or other electronic network activity information, including, but not limited to, browsing history, search history, and information regarding a consumers interaction with an Internet website application, or advertisement.

- Marketing.

- Platform Improvement.

- Handling of Disputes.

- Compliance with Legal Requirements.

- Automated technologies or interactions.

- Third Party Sources.

- Service Providers.

- Governmental Authorities.

- Professional Advisors.

- M&A Counterparts.

If you provide us any Personal Information relating to others, you must make sure that you have permission to do so.

3. Sale, Sharing, and Disclosure of Personal Information

We do not sell Personal Information or share it with third parties for cross-context behavioral advertising, and have not done so in the past 12 months.

We do not knowingly sell or share (as such terms are defined in the CCPA) Personal Information of consumers under 16 years of age.

4. Data Retention

We retain your Personal Information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes we collected it for, including for legal or reporting requirements.

In order to determine the appropriate retention period for Personal Information, we consider the following criteria: the volume, nature, and sensitivity of the Personal Information, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of Personal Information, the purposes for which we collect and process Personal Information, the timeframe during which we may require such Personal Information in connection with potential litigation, and applicable legal requirements.

Our California Do Not Track Policy

Some browsers transmit "do-not-track" signals to websites. Because of differences in how browsers incorporate and activate this feature, it is not always clear whether users intend for these signals to be transmitted, or whether they even are aware of them. We currently do not take action in response to these signals.

5. Your California Privacy Rights under CCPA

  • Right to Know and to Access: you have the right to request certain information regarding our collection and use of Personal Information, and disclosure of Personal Information to third parties.

  • Right to Deletion or Correction: you have the right to request that we delete any of your Personal Information that we collected from you and retained or that we correct inaccurate Personal Information we retained. We shall use commercially reasonable efforts to correct such inaccurate Personal Information. We may deny your deletion request in certain defined cases, for example, if retaining the data is necessary for us or our service providers to perform our contract with you, detect security incidents, protect against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity, debug products, exercise free speech, engage in research, enable internal uses or comply with applicable laws and legal obligations.

  • Non-discrimination: limiting the use of your Personal Information may affect features and uses that rely on that data. You have a right not to receive discriminatory treatment by us for the exercise of such privacy rights as conferred by the CCPA. Unless permitted by the CCPA, we will not: deny you goods or services, provide you a different level or quality of goods or services or suggest that you may receive a different price or rate for goods or services or a different level or quality of goods or services.

  • Automated decision-making: you will not be subject to decisions that will have a significant impact on you based solely on automated decision-making, unless we have notified you and allowed you to opt-out.

Submitting Requests regarding Your Rights

To make a request regarding your rights as detailed above, please submit a request using one of the methods in the Contact Details section below.

You may use a legally authorized person on your behalf to submit a request, if you provide a signed written permission to such person. Your request to know or delete must provide sufficient information that allows us to reasonably verify you are the person about whom we collected Personal Information or an authorized representative and should describe your request with sufficient detail that allows us to properly understand, evaluate, and respond to it.

California's "Shine the Light" law (Civil Code Section § 1798.83) permits users of our Website that are California residents to request certain information regarding our disclosure of Personal Information to third parties for their direct marketing purposes. To make such a request, please contact us using one of the methods in the Contact Details section below.

6. Accessibility

If you have a disability and would like to access this policy in an alternative format, please contact us via our Contact Details listed below.

7. Contact Details

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at:


Postal address: 2051 Frederick Douglass Blvd #5B, New York, NY 10026

8. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to change this document at any time. If we do so, we will post an updated version of this document so that our users and customers are always aware of what information we collect, use, and disclose. Your continued use of our Website and services after any change to this document will constitute your acceptance of such change.

This version was last updated in July 2024.